Rothbard and Craig Rucker
Waning interest and credibility forced
organizers to replace climate change with sustainable development as “the
world’s most urgent problem” during the UN’s June 2012 Rio+20 Conference.
However, climate alarmism is again taking center stage this week at the COP-18
confab in Doha, Qatar.
The agenda remains the same: slash or end
hydrocarbon use, transfer wealth, and control energy use, economic growth and
lives. The strategies likewise remain unchanged: treaties, laws, regulations
and higher taxes for hydrocarbon energy – with control placed in the hands of
unelected, unaccountable elites who claim they are saving Planet Earth from
ecological collapse.
Previous events
in Bali, Copenhagen, Durban and Rio de Janeiro lavished billions of dollars on
proposals and discussions that led mostly to promises of more meetings in five-star
venues like Doha. With the Kyoto Protocol set to expire, Qatar’s atmosphere is
rife with grim determination to forge new international agreements, in the face
of hard realities that portend still more failure for global governance
The United States never ratified Kyoto,
isn’t bound by its dictates, and has limited economic and political stature to
play a lead role in forging a new agreement, regardless of what President Obama
might want. Canada, Japan and New Zealand have rejected participation in a new
treaty. The European Union is drowning in debt, struggling under soaring
renewable energy costs that threaten families, jobs, companies and entire
industries, and little inclined to shackle its economy further.
China, Brazil, India, Indonesia and other
emerging markets are loathe to sign any treaty that would limit the fossil
fuels they need to grow their economies and lift more millions out of poverty.
They say industrialized nations must agree to further greenhouse gas
reductions, before they will consider doing so, and insist that holding
developing countries to developed nation standards would be inequitable.
Poor countries increasingly understand that
CO2 emission restrictions will prevent them from developing and subject them to
control by environmental zealots and UN regulators. People in those countries
are beginning to realize that massive wealth transfers from Formerly Rich
Countries – for climate change mitigation, reparation and adaptation – are
increasingly unlikely. If “Green Climate Fund” pledges ever do materialize,
they will mostly end up in another unaccountable UN slush fund for bureaucrats,
autocrats and kleptocrats, with only pennies trickling down to ordinary people.
On the scientific front, contrary to
incessant claims that Earth is warming uncontrollably, average planetary
temperatures have
not risen in 16 years, even as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have crept
upward to 391 parts per million (0.0391 percent). Temperatures may “remain well
above the long-term average,” as some insist – but humanity also suffered
through a 500-year Little Ice Age and a “coming ice age scare” during the 1940-1975
cooling period.
And while global warming alarmists continue
to say 2010 or the U.S. summer of 2012 was “the hottest on record,” actual data
reveal that there is only a
few hundredths of a degree
Fahrenheit difference between these
and other alleged “hottest years,” such as 2005. The 1930s
still reign supreme as the hottest in American history.
Arctic sea ice
reductions during 2012 were caused by many factors, including ocean currents
and enormous
long-lasting storms that NASA finally conceded broke up huge sections of
the polar ice cap, during a very cold
summer. Meanwhile, Antarctic
sea ice continues to expand, setting new records. The rate of sea
level rise has not been accelerating and may actually be decreasing,
according to recent studies.
Even with
Hurricane Sandy, November 2012 marks the quietest
long-term hurricane period since the Civil War, with only one major
hurricane strike on the U.S. mainland in seven years. Large
tornadoes have also fallen in frequency since the 1950s, and the 2012
season was the quietest on record; only twelve tornadoes touched down in the
United States in July 2012, says NOAA, shattering the July 1960 record low of
Climate change computer models predict every imaginable scenario –
warmer and colder, wetter and drier, more snow or less snow in winter – so that
human-caused disaster believers can always claim to be right. And almost
nothing stops politicians and climate alarmists from
saying Sandy was “unprecedented” and “proof that climate change is real,” no
matter what history actually shows us.
Devastating hurricanes have struck New York,
New Jersey and Canada’s
Maritime Provinces many times over the centuries. Newfoundland’s deadliest
hurricane killed 4,000 people in 1775, while category 1 to 3 ‘canes hit the
provinces in 1866, 1873, 1886, 1893, 1939, 1959, 1963 and 2003. New York City
was hammered by major storms in 1693, 1788, 1821, 1893, 1938 (the “Long Island
Express”), 1944 and 1954.
Climate change is natural, normal,
cyclical, frequent, unpredictable, and sometimes catastrophic – as the Little
Ice Age certainly was for European agriculture and civilization.
Nor are we “running out” of oil and gas –
the other rationale for irrational attacks on hydrocarbons. Thanks to new
discoveries, technologies and techniques (like hydraulic fracturing), the world
still has many
decades of traditional energy. We need to develop it, not lock it up, to
help people realize their dreams for a better tomorrow, and bring prosperity to
families, communities and nations the world over.
These realities won’t stop the alarmists.
There is simply too much money and power at stake. Tens of billions of dollars
are transferred annually from taxpayers and energy users to activists,
Mann-made global warming scientists, regulators, carbon tax “investors,” and
renewable energy and carbon capture subsidy seekers – all of whom have every
reason to promote climate scares and attack anyone who voices skepticism about
CO2-driven climate change catastrophes.
Nor will scientific or economic reality
stop the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which is poised to impose a raft
of economy-strangling, job-killing carbon dioxide regulations – or a Congress
and White House that are desperate for new sources of revenue, to pay for stimulus
and entitlement programs.
The real danger is not climate change. If
we have the economic and technological resources, we can adapt to almost any
changes Mother Nature might throw at us – short of another glacial period that
buries much of the world under a mile of ice.
The real danger is policies, laws,
regulations, restrictions and taxes imposed in the name of preventing global
warming cataclysms that exist only in computer models, Hollywood horror movies,
and UN and environmentalist press releases. Those political reactions will
perpetuate and exacerbate poverty, disease, unemployment, and economic
They will subsidize renewable energy programs
that turn
precious food into expensive fuel for cars, destroy
wildlife and habitats, and leave the pursuit of happiness and human rights
progress in the hands of pressure groups, politicians and bureaucrats who are
convinced that mankind is a “cancer on the Earth.”
That is neither just nor sustainable. It is
the reason the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow is in Doha. We want the
United Nations to return to its founding principles, get serious about poverty
alleviation and economic betterment for people everywhere – and implement constructive and sustained solutions to the real
problems that continue to confront civilization, wildlife and the environment
David Rothbard serves as president of the Washington, DC-based
Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org and www.CFACT.tv).
Craig Rucker is CFACT’s executive director.
December 6, 2012
Long before Gore discovered global warming a variety of 'public' interests concluded it would be cheaper to kill granny in her home by withholding heat or air-conditioning for a week or more. Never mind that granny is supposed to be represented by the 'public' utility commission. Rather than take responsibility PUCs are denying their role in building death-traps.